10th Scottish Metabolomics Network Annual Symposium 2025
(University of Edinburgh)
Image: University of Edinburgh (Photography courtesy of
Past event: University of Stirling, 2024
Image: University of Stirling Campus (Photography courtesy of
The last Scottish Metabolomics Network Annual Symposium was held at the University of Stirling on Tuesday 22nd to Wednesday 23rd October 2024, preceded by a training course on Monday 21st October for Early Career scientists (students, researchers, technical professionals).
Scottish Metabolomics Network 2024 – University of Stirling Monday 21st - Wednesday 23rd October 2024
The Scottish Metabolomics Network hosted its 9th annual meeting in the autumn of 2024 at the University of Stirling’s Institute of Aquaculture. In an expansion of the format, the SMN hosted a training day on untargeted metabolomics data analysis prior to the symposium. Attended by 29 delegates, the training day had interactive sessions, a networking event, and a meal at a local Italian restaurant.
The two-day symposium was attended by 110 network members from across Scotland’s diverse research institutes and universities. An EDI survey of the event showed gender-balanced attendance from students, early career members, group leaders, technical staff and vendors, highlighting the broad outreach of the network. The symposium opened with a keynote address by the plenary speaker, Prof. Paul Fraser from Royal Holloway, University of London. Paul’s interesting talk delved into his journey of genetically engineering tomatoes for their carotenoid profile and the role metabolomics has played in defining the resultant metabolic shifts that were encountered throughout the process.
The symposium saw a wide range of talks from a variety of fields, with the first day holding, for the first time, a dedicated ECR session, which highlighted topics such as the endocrine journey into salivary steroids in pigs and humans and the mechanistic understanding of photosynthesis via carbon positional mass spectrometry. Both days encompassed speakers from clinical metabolism, ranging from metabolic regulation of T cell function, metabolic determinants of cachexia and using metabolomics to investigate pathophysiological biomarkers of stroke.
Not to be outdone, a range of talks from agriculture to aquaculture were given, including the role of spermidine, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, on salmon health, followed up by the role metabolomics plays in plant breeding in agricultural products such as hemp and the plant model organism Arabidopsis. The symposium was closed by our second plenary speaker, Dr. Thierry Schmidlin, who spoke about his journey of setting up a metabolomics lab to develop rapid LC-MS based metabolomics for phenotyping large plasma cohorts. There were also prizes for best poster (Spha Ntshangase & Kim Moar), and best ECR talk (Kanchan Phadwal & Sofia Laforest), so many congratulations to the winners!
We hope everyone enjoyed the 2-day symposium, and our thanks go to the sponsors who make these events possible. In total, 12 industry partners joined us for the symposium, allowing for welcome discussion and networking, which we hope benefitted both academic and industry partners. We look forward to welcoming you to a decade of SMN, in Edinburgh, 25th-26th of November 2025, so make sure you save the date!
Scottish Metabolomics Network Annual Symposium 2024 - Programme - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 - Wednesday 23rd October 2024
Pre-Symposium Data Processing Training Workshop was held on Monday 21st October 2024, University of Stirling
This one-day training event with an emphasis on data analysis of metabolomics data sets was held on Monday 21st October 2024 at the University of Stirling campus (Pathfoot Building).
The structure of both metabolomics and lipidomics data presents very specific issues for data analysis, unlike other ‘omics datasets. We will highlight these challenges and the different methods that can be used.
This Data Processing Workshop focused on re-registration and statistical analysis of pre-processed metabolomics data. Data re-registration, such as log transforms, normalization and missing value imputation will be discussed.
We aimed to highlight commonly used statistical methods in metabolomics and lipidomics and go beyond what is commonly taught and will discuss how these methods should be employed. Methods such as PCA, PLS-DA and ANOVA will be discussed, highlighting when to use these techniques and how the results should be interpreted. The training will be given by Dr Gavin Blackburn (University of Glasgow) and Dr Nicholas Rattray (University of Strathclyde).
SMN2024 Industry Sponsors
Past Event: Scottish Metabolomics Network Annual Symposium 2023, East Kilbride
Macdonald Crutherland House Hotel and Spa, East Kilbride (Photography courtesy of )
Click HERE to Register (Registration closed Wednesday 8th November 2023)
The Scottish Metabolomics Network Symposium 2023 took place on:
Date: Wednesday 15th – Thursday 16th November 2023
Location: Macdonald Crutherland House Hotel and Spa, East Kilbride -
Early Bird (payment received by 23rd September 2023): ECR £50; PI £75
Standard Rate (from 24th September 2023): ECR and PI £100
Past Event: Scottish Metabolomics Network Annual Symposium 2022, Aberdeen
Aberdeen skyline (photograph courtesy of
The Scottish Metabolomics Network Symposium 2022 took place on:
Date: Thursday 3rd – Friday 4th November 2022
Location: P&J Live Aberdeen:
Early Bird (payment received by 23rd September 2022): ECR £50; PI £75
Standard Rate (from 24 September 2022): ECR and PI £100
To present a poster at the Scottish Metabolomics Network Symposium 2022, please download and complete the poster abstract submission form by 19 September 2022 and email to
Past Event: Scottish Metabolomics Network Virtual Symposium 2021
Clyde Arch, Glasgow Scotland (photograph courtesy of Giuseppe Milo Dundee, Discovery center (photograph courtesy of St Andrews skyline (photograph courtesy of Stirling skyline (photograph courtesy of Edinburgh skyline (photograph courtesy of Anthony Brown Aberdeen skyline (photograph courtesy of
The Scottish Metabolomics Network Symposium 2021 took place on the following:
Date: Tuesday 23rd – Wednesday 24th November 2021
Location: Virtual
Keynote speaker: Prof. Perdita Barran (University of Manchester, School of Chemistry):
Metabolomics of Sebum provides insights to Parkinson’s Disease and an opportunity for non-invasive monitoring
Abstract: In this talk I will discuss why and how we have performed metabolomics of sebum in order to diagnose Parkinson’s Disease (PD). The methods that we have used include, odour analysis, thermal desorption gas chromatography mass spectrometry (TD-GC-MS), HPLC- MS, direct infusion MS and chemometrics. I will describe how these methods can be used to stratify PD and for early diagnosis.
Bio Sketch: Professor Barran holds a Chair of Mass Spectrometry in the Department of Chemistry, is Associate Dean for Research Facilities and Director of the Michael Barber Centre for Collaborative Mass Spectrometry at the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, The University of Manchester, UK.
Her research interests include: Biological mass spectrometry; Instrument and technique development; Protein structure and interactions; Dynamic and Disordered Systems; Parkinson’s disease Diagnostics; HDX-MS; Proteomics; and Molecular modelling. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and was awarded the Theophilus Redwood Award from the RSC in 2019, Researcher of the Year 2020 from the University of Manchester and the ACS Measurement Science Lectureship 2021. In 2020 she initiated the COVID-19 Mass Spectrometry Coalition and was appointed as Chief Advisor to the UK Government on Mass Spectrometry as part of their pandemic response. Perdita has had the privilege to mentor 32 graduate students through the successful completion of their PhD’s as well as 16 postdoctoral fellows. Perdita has authored over 160 publications in peer reviewed journals which have been cited over 4000 times, by people other than her.
In 2021 Perdita founded the company Sebomix Ltd. to exploit sebum as a diagnostic biofluid with a focus on Parkinson’s Disease.
ABRF MRG 2020 Survey Study
The ABRF ‘Metabolomics Research Group’ (MRG) is conducting a survey to collect data on the current use of metabolomics technologies in the life sciences.
Questions are designed to elicit responses concerning the current level of interest in the field of metabolomics, and for those already using/offering metabolomics analyses to find out what instrumentation is used, types of application, etc.
The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete:
The results of the survey will be presented at the ABRF 2021 meeting.
All Survey participants will be eligible for a drawing to receive a $100 Amazon gift card.
Thank you for your participation.
Chris W. Turck (Chair) - Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry Tytus Mak - NIST Maryam Goudarzi - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute
Amrita K. Cheema - Georgetown University Reza Salek - International Agency for Research on Cancer Baljit Kaur Ubhi - SCIEX
Magnus Palmblad (EB Liaison) - Leiden University Medical Center
Cancelled due to pandemic: What Mass Spectrometry can do for you, 16th March 2020, University of Edinburgh
The TEAMS (The Edinburgh Association of Mass Spectrometrists) symposium is designed for researchers to find out where, who and how Mass Spectrometry can help your research, by hearing case studies and meeting the experts. Registration is free for all UoE staff and students. Active areas of research include Proteomics, Clinical Targeted Analysis, Metabolomics, Lipidomics and Imaging Mass Spectrometry. Further details can be found here.’
Past Event: Scottish Metabolomics Network Symposium 2019, Glasgow
Download the SMN2019 Final Programme
The Scottish Metabolomics Network Symposium 2019 took place
Date: Wednesday 13th - Friday 15th November 2019
Location: Technology and Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
Clyde Arch, Glasgow Scotland (photograph courtesy of Giuseppe Milo
The 2019 Scottish Metabolomics Network Annual Meeting was held at the Technology and Innovation Centre (TIC) in Glasgow on Thursday 14th and Friday 15th November 2019. A statistics workshop took place prior to the meeting on Wednesday 13th November 2019.
You can download a flyer. Themes included:
Human Health
Cancer Metabolism
Plant Metabolism
Biomarker Research
Microbial Metabolomics
Sports Metabolism
Nutritional Metabolomic
Advantages in Technology.
The evening drinks reception were held at the Drygate Brewery followed by conference meal andCeilidh.
Past Event: What Mass Spectrometry can do for you, 18th March 2019, University of Edinburgh
The TEAMS (The Edinburgh Association of Mass Spectrometrists) symposium is designed for researchers to find out where, who and how Mass Spectrometry can help your research, by hearing case studies and meeting the experts. Registration is free for all UoE staff and students. Active areas of research include Proteomics, Clinical Targeted Analysis, Metabolomics, Lipidomics and Imaging Mass Spectrometry. Further details can be found here.
Past Event: “High resolution tailored metabolomics in health related and environmental research” by Prof. Phillippe Schmitt-Kopplin – 14thNovember 2018, Edinburgh
As part of the 2018/2019 EaStChem Colloquia the lecture will be held on Wednesday 14th November 2018 at 2 pm, Lecture Theatre 100, School of Chemistry, Joseph Black Building, KB, Edinburgh. The abstract of his talk can be found here.
Prof Schmitt-Kopplin is the Director of the Research Unit “Analytical BioGeoChemistry” of the HMGU – Helmholtz Zentrum München, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt in Neuherberg/Munich Germany, with a research focus in metabolomics and de novo biomarker discovery / analytical chemistry in projects in the field of Health and Environment. He is also the Head of the comprehensive Foodomics platform. If you would like to meet Prof Schmitt-Kopplin before or after his lecture, please fill in the following Doodle Poll:
Scottish Metabolomics Network Symposium 2018 Highlights
Dr. James MacRae from the Francis Crick Institute (photograph courtesy of the Francis Crick Institute/Dave Guttridge)
Dr James MacRae of the London Metabolomics Network attended the SMN 2018 meeting in November in Dundee and gave a talk entitled: "Lipid Metabolism in apicomplexan parasites: Routes for drug therapy?". This is part of an ongoing initiative to build interactions between national and international Metabolomics groupings.
Scottish Metabolomics Network Symposium, Dundee 2018
1st and 2nd of November 2018
Discovery Point Exhibition Centre - Home of RRS Discovery
Image copied from:
The Scottish Metabolomics Network hosted its annual meeting on the 1st and 2nd November 2018 at the Discovery Point in Dundee. As with previous years, a full report of this year’s very successful meeting can be found in our November Newsletter. Many thanks to Will Allwood (The James Hutton Institute) and Jeffrey Huang (University of Dundee) for hosting this year’s meeting.
Special thank you to all our sponsors for making this event possible, please see our industry sponsors page
Scottish Metabolomics Network Symposium, Glasgow 2017
2nd and 3rd of November 2017
City of Glasgow College: Riverside Campus - an award winning building
Images courtesy of City of Glasgow College and Google maps
The Scottish Metabolomics Network hosted its third symposium on the 2nd and 3rd of November 2017. Thank you to Karl Burgess, Gavin Blackburn, Naomi Rankin and Gillian Mackay for hosting this meeting. Keep your eye out for the next issue of the SMN newsletter for more details.
Thank you to everyone who joined us or supported us at SMN17 in Glasgow !
Scottish Metabolomics Network Annual Conference, Inverness 2016
The Scottish Metabolomics Network hosted its annual meeting on 16th and 17th November 2016. A full report of this highly successful meeting can be seen in our December Newsletter. Many thanks to Phil Whitfield and his team at the University of the Highlands and Islands and all of the sponsors of the event.
Scottish Metabolomics Network Inaugural Meeting, Edinburgh 2015
The Scottish Metabolomics Network hosted its inaugural meeting in November 2015 at Teviot Row House, University of Edinburgh. It was organised by Prof Ruth Andrew, Dr Andy Finch and Dr Natalie Homer. This meeting show-cased the work of our network through talks and posters and also offered insight into new innovations entering the field through industrial contributions (see